20th January 2025
Update 3, Patch 2 – 21st January 2025
Please Note: This patch is due 21st January 2025, expected approx 10:15 UTC
Update #3 Patch #2 Change Notes
Game Updates
General & Tech
- Fixed a crash reading tyre compounds
- Fixed backup saves during qualifying failing to load
- Fixed occasional “Error Setting Video Mode” Message when launching in fullscreen mode
- Pit Request
- Fixed auto pit request setting all tyres back to no change
- Removed auto pit requests for change of weather tyres.
- Fixed Single Tyre changes being ignored when All Tyres were changed first on the Pit MFD
- Fixed “No Change” being displayed for All Tyres when changing Tyres individually only.
- Fixed real road progression being too slow for player driven cars
- Fixed catching up shortly before green causing penalties at race starts
- Reviewed & improved Track Limits in Wet Conditions
- Fixed “Teams and drivers go to the grid for a race start” being repeated twice if the user clicks start driving while this audio is playing
Race Weekend
- Fixed an issue where changing race length on the quick setting would always set to 5 minutes on the first adjustment.
- Fixed Race time being different to the time set when using advanced settings
- Unlocked Electronics settings when running fixed setups in the garage
- Fixed client not receiving weather forecast
- Attempted fix for loading into incorrect car online on both Hosted Servers & ‘Standard’ Online Races with more logging for future diagnostics (if required)
- Fixed suspended accounts showing incorrect expiry date if they’ve received a previous ban
- Update the generating results text to be clearer when it will finish generating
- Fixed an issue where some championship race results would go missing
- Fix for some events not running/joinable and registrations disappearing
- Fix for online practice servers showing tyre allocation has been used before going to track
- Fixed an issue with player names on PCs with multiple users – they will now load the correct names from RaceControl
Online Championships
- Fix for Online Championship page not loading for some users
- Fixed an issue where Incorrect Championship Leaderboards would be loaded
- Fixed players being unable to access practice for the following weeks race
Hosted Servers
- Fixed hovering mouse over a server in the list causing some text to become invisible
- Fixed Hosted Servers list information not changing colour on hover
- Fixed Hosted Server Session Progress going beyond 100%
- Fixed disqualifications at the end of the final stint
- Fixed a crash during loading after receiving a hand over and selecting START STINT
- Fixed Total Drive Time is being displayed as “H undefinedM” on the MY TEAM event page
- Removed incorrect leaderboard header “Drive Time”
- Fixed other driver’s drive time displaying incorrectly when handing over
Settings & Profiles
- Added a refresh button on the setup page
- Fixed selecting cancel when applying graphics settings in fullscreen mode not cancelling changes
User Interface
- Fixed tyres appearing as wet on the standings screen even though medium/softs are equipped to the car in online races
- When either privacy or competition policies are not agreed to, the online and co-op main menu button will now pop up the ability to accept the policies directly rather than needing to go to the player’s profile
- Added HUD Toggles to in Game Pause menu
Virtual Reality
- Fixed setting window mode to full screen whilst in VR causing the game the CTD.
- Fixed changing the game’s resolution in VR causing the game to crash.
- Mouse cursor is limited to roughly 66% of screen space on launch in VR until alt-tabing.
- Fixed occasional duplicate VR HUD & Menu Scale options & increased precision in available options.
- Fixed “Display VR Mirror” so that when disabled it shows a black screen whilst in game. Note it will always show the UI in the mirror.
- Fixed duplicate input when adjusting viewed vehicle in VR
- Fixed changing the game display to a different monitor causing a black screen in the VR headset only.
Track Updates
- Reviewed detail settings with more optimisation on lower circuit detail.
- Slight adjustments to track limits and fast path AI file
- Added missing verges around Crete after Mergulho
- Removed the floating barrier outside Mergulho
- Revised Crete terrain parameters so it has more grasslike properties
- Reduced grip and increased bumpiness on run off roads, to reduce chances of taking advantage of track limits
Car Updates
- Updates to Coach Dave Academy Setups
- Fixed large aerial cockpit display font spacing
- Added correct driver names to all 2023 liveries
- Reviewed LMGT3 Class Track Limits Strictness
- Reviewed and made minor increases to LMGT3 slipstreaming
- Corrected quick release arrow colour
- Corrected BMW M4 rear lights
Porsche 963 LMDh
- Corrected dashboard number for Penske teams
- Centered driving view
McLaren 720S LMGT3 Evo
- Corrected engine description
- Fixed inside banner showing orange for #95
Ferrari 296 LMGT3
- Added missing lift countdown to dashboard
- Re-rendered showroom car images for GR Racing #86
Isotta Fraschini TIPO6-C LMH
- Added missing Isotta from 2024 Interlagos single player grid
Toyota GR010 LMH
- Fixed driver line up for #7 LM team
Cadillac V-Series.R LMDh
- Fixed missing banner on 2023 Cadillacs
Oreca 07 LMP2
- Updated default setups to be more stable
Corvette Z06 LMGT3.R
- Increased threshold temperature at which oil becomes critical
- Updated default setups